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  • annalangdon4

Thailand earns billions from aquifer resources

Updated: Nov 3, 2020

Water is now Thailand’s most valuable and lucrative export. Trade with Middle Eastern nations is earning Thailand hundreds of billions per year.

June 16th 2050

Since demand for pure water has increased globally, Thailand has seen a dramatic increase in revenue from their National Aquifer Extraction Initiative established in the early 2030’s. Water is now Thailand’s most valuable and lucrative export. Trade with Middle Eastern nations is earning Thailand hundreds of billions per year.

Thailand has recently upscaled the amount of water being extracted and sold on the global market partially in response to a study conducted by the UN food and water agency warning of drastically increased demand for fresh water in decades to come and partially to expand their own national reserves of potable water.

Thailand’s economy is growing rapidly in comparison to Australia, Myanmar and other neighbours since freezing out all foreign investors and nationalising its valuable aquifer resources.

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